About Us

About UsAssociation of Clinical Endocrinologists

"Association of Clinical Endocrinologists" (ACE ), is a registered society under the Societies Registration Act.

This is a platform of like-minded Endocrinologists trained and qualified, bearing post graduate qualifications from UK, USA, Canada, Australia or New Zealand, that are recognized and registerable in those respective countries’ medical council registers, thereby registerable in India, to practice as independent, unsupervised Clinical Endocrinologists as per the Gazette of India, 10th March 2008, Dept of Health and Family Welfare; serving the aspirations of those who relocated to India and aspire to work for the cause of the Science of Endocrinology, its utility and application for the betterment of the health of the people and India as a nation.

Since 2024 Clinical Diabetology has been published under auspices of ACE India (Association of Clinical Endocrinologists).